Institute Café: Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Marketing in China in 2023

On the sunny day of February 25th, the CUHK Shanghai Alumni Association held its first lecture of 2023 at the CUHK Shanghai Center, inviting  Mr. Steven Chang, a current senior advisor at McKinsey and former vice president of Tencent, as the guest speaker. The lecture, entitled “Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Marketing in China in 2023,” was attended by over 60 alumni and guests. 


Mr.Su Xiong, President of the CUHK Shanghai Alumni Association, and Ms. Yang Ling, Executive Dean of the Shanghai Penta Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute, delivered speeches respectively. President Su thanked the College for providing the venue. Ms.Yang noted that the partnership between the Institute and the Chinese University of Hong Kong was of far-reaching significance.

 The guest speaker, Mr. Chang, travels from the bots of “Magic City” to the Metaverse to CHATGPT, where the industry is constantly iterating and reinventing itself. After the talk, the attendees enthusiastically discussed and exchanged ideas on the topics presented by Mr. Chang, including the five major trends in digital marketing, Chinese digital marketing ecosystem, the importance of digital marketing transformation, and changes in investment focus and proportion.